Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Hey Hey
Change is here!

That word has been thrown around a lot by some political groups but y'all not here to talk about politics.

They saying goes that change is the only thing that's constant.
I used to be one who liked bunking with the familiar and very hesitant to change, but I've been

Am moving houses!
No, not my physical house but Blog house !
Move over blogspot..
Hello Wordpress..

This is a change I had considered even before returning to blogging again....well, six months later am finally moving.

So shugars, this would be my last post here.
Come visit my new space..
It's Tamie's Alcove
Do visit, do subscribe and follow, do leave comments.
There is a house warming serving of a new journal series I had talked about starting last year.

Of course I would still stop by all your blogs, am still very much around...I just moved down the street.

Ps : Wordpress is so techy! Oh well, acquiring new knowledge never killed nobarri...

Pps: am still trying to figure out a redirect link from here to my new space..

See you there


Friday, January 1, 2016

The New!!

Happy new year Shugars!!!

I welcome y'all to the beautiful year of 2016!!

2015 was a fab year...2016 will be far better, most def!
I just feel it!
At crossover service yesterday, I danced like David.
My heart was so full of gratitude, thanksgiving, expectations...
One of the scriptures shared during service was from Deuteronomy 33: 13-17a .......the blessings upon Joseph.
I jumped in excitement and claimed them for my year

May their land be blessed by the Lord 
With the precious gift of dew from the heavens
And water from beneath the earth
With rich fruit that grows in the sun 
And the rich harvest produced each month
With the finest crops of the ancient mountain
And the abundance from the everlasting hills 
With the best gifts of the earth and it's bounty 
And the favour of the one who appeared in the burning bush 
May these blessing rest on TAMIE'S head, crowning the brow of the 'princess' among 'her ' brethren..

Chai!! This scripture is loaded. Taken part by part it's just so amazing. I intend to chew and chew and meditate and confess it into every second and fabric of my 2016.

Make new goals
Set new targets
Have thoughtful resolutions
Put up your vision boards
Just do you
And seize the year!!
No sleeping on bike!

Cheers to a beautiful year ahead.
Love always..