Sunday, July 26, 2015

Baby Steps To Returning Loves

There has been a renewed love for some things lately for me. I say renewed 'cos I've kinda always liked or loved them but am putting more effort into them lately. 
Some were abandoned outta lack of time to explore them, some outta sheer laziness and procrastination. 
Sometimes I can be lazy for Africa Mehn! I am doing a personal deliverance for myself from procrastination. This type of deliverance is not a one time one, it's a daily one leaving no space for any backyard return.
So some stuff I used to love doing but took a back burner include :

This has got to be numero uno!!
I could read efritin!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Nothing is tying me down

I was listening to a program on radio recently  ( it was on handling rejections and moving past hurts) and the guest made a statement that caught me.
 She said : if you hold someone down to the ground and don't let the person go,you are actually also holding yourself down. 
A picture of these traditional wrestlers as they try to pin their opponents to the ground came to mind( lol I wonder why)  as I turned the statement over and over in my mind. 


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Curtain fall

Yesterday was the beginning of a new month. I was pretty excited. 
A new month.
A new week.
The beginning of the second half of the year. 
And it was the end of the light of a colleague,an ex classmate. 
Soft spoken, nice, gentle, really friendly..
Always had a smile and a laugh -in - waiting. 
As I heard the news today I lost  every ounce of energy. 
I felt drained. 
I hadn't seen her since school, but through fb we connect. 
When someone you've known personally, talked with, laughed with, hugged is suddenly no more the emptiness of life just seems to hit you hard. 
I haven't experience the loss of people really close to me except my grandparents. 

Sleep on,J. 
May God comfort your family.