Hey Hey
Change is here!
That word has been thrown around a lot by some political groups but y'all relax...hehehe...am not here to talk about politics.
They saying goes that change is the only thing that's constant.
I used to be one who liked bunking with the familiar and very hesitant to change, but I've been evolving..lol
Am moving houses!
No, not my physical house but Blog house !
Move over blogspot..
Hello Wordpress..
This is a change I had considered even before returning to blogging again....well, six months later am finally moving.
So shugars, this would be my last post here.
Come visit my new space..
It's Tamie's Alcove
Do visit, do subscribe and follow, do leave comments.
There is a house warming serving of a new post..my journal series I had talked about starting last year.
Of course I would still stop by all your blogs, am still very much around...I just moved down the street.
Ps : Wordpress is so techy! Oh well, acquiring new knowledge never killed nobarri...
Pps: am still trying to figure out a redirect link from here to my new space..
See you there
Tamie'z Alcove
A journal of some sorts..
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Friday, January 1, 2016
The New!!
Happy new year Shugars!!!
I welcome y'all to the beautiful year of 2016!!
2015 was a fab year...2016 will be far better, most def!
I just feel it!
At crossover service yesterday, I danced like David.
My heart was so full of gratitude, thanksgiving, expectations...
One of the scriptures shared during service was from Deuteronomy 33: 13-17a .......the blessings upon Joseph.
I jumped in excitement and claimed them for my year
May their land be blessed by the Lord
With the precious gift of dew from the heavens
And water from beneath the earth
With rich fruit that grows in the sun
And the rich harvest produced each month
With the finest crops of the ancient mountain
And the abundance from the everlasting hills
With the best gifts of the earth and it's bounty
And the favour of the one who appeared in the burning bush
May these blessing rest on TAMIE'S head, crowning the brow of the 'princess' among 'her ' brethren..
Chai!! This scripture is loaded. Taken part by part it's just so amazing. I intend to chew and chew and meditate and confess it into every second and fabric of my 2016.
Make new goals
Set new targets
Have thoughtful resolutions
Put up your vision boards
Just do you
And seize the year!!
No sleeping on bike!
Cheers to a beautiful year ahead.
Love always..
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Water Stills
How are we all doing?
Caught the Merriment bug yet?
When i was younger 3 things got me excited around this period
1. Close of school
2. Traveling home to Okrika ...by boat!
3. Seeing all my cousins and the numerous things we would get up to doing.
Well, now no more school hols to look forward to.
Since my grandma's passing in 2012 , and some cousins being married off..it just hasn't been the same traveling home for the Christmas celebrations. We would rather meet up in the 'city' for family time. But I still have cause to go home often and of course I do it by boat 80% of the time.
I love the cool air that hits my face when am on a boat ride.
I love the way the boat bounces on water when there are waves, sometimes it does get scary sha . When big barges or other boats on speed pass very close it generates huge waves and really rocks the boat.
Sometimes when i tell some friends that i am going home by sea, they go " oh brave one ".
If only they knew..
Am not that brave...and our waters is not as crazy as the bonny axis.
Then some go, "oh well you are riverine and can swim "...indeed!
I can't swim jack!
I know i should hide my face... but that's the truth. Infact i am scared of swimming. I can count the number of times I've been to a pool. I've only attempted to learn how to swim twice and both times it didn't leave me any better...instead it increased my phobia level. I haven't given up totally sha...someday .. hopefully.
Recently ,when traveling i started taking some pictures .
Ermm, forgive the quality of the pictures ..i use my phone.
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Red in motion |
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The waves this thing generates... |
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Going solo |
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Partners One rows,the other throws the net. |
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Colours on water |
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An oil company vessel |
Maybe @Mfoluwa would coach me some..
On IG one of my favorite pages is +Kitchenbutterfly ,her pictures just give me life!
I've been journalling off and on for a really long time. In the last couple of years tho, it's been a struggle to put pen to paper. I like going through my old journals-the ones i can find- smiling at my silliness, loving the growth i see, frowning at lessons to learn that are still on the slow lane ....etc
I need to start another..not just starting ,but being diligent with it.
To help my journal journey ,I would be introducing a #Journal segment on the blog. It would be like a summary of the previous month, as much as i can share ....life, struggles , growth , my relationship with God, love , random....
Also ,that way even if life happens and I don't get to blog other stuff, I am sure to stop by with a monthly post.
Looking forward to doing it.
Do you keep a journal? Do you enjoy doing it?
See you soon shugars,
Love n' Light.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Every Morning..
From somewhere, some distant realm I can't really describe, I heard the shrill ringing of my alarm. The tune of my alarm is some annoying gibberish..i chose it on purpose cos I had realized that when I used songs I actually like, I could sleep right through the alarm ringing. Eyes still closed, I stretched out my hand, located the noisy object and swiped to the right. That response had become automatic every morning. I laid for a few more minutes (translate 30-40 more minutes) before sitting up in bed.
" No matter how loud or insistent an alarm clock is, even two, placed near the ears of a dead man...he wouldn't wake up "- Pastor Ugo
I can't tell the exact moment I closed my eyes to sleep ..just like every other night
I can't tell ..moment by moment.. what happens around me when I sleep
Some say, I sometimes make low grinding sounds with my teeth..( I choose not to believe that).
I've been told I don't snore...thank goodness!!
I know I am not conscious to the happenings around me.
"It's of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning :great is thy faithfulness" -Lamentations 3:22-23
" Thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night..." - Ps 91:5
My feet hits the cold tiles ,at the same time some cold harmattan breeze caresses my bare skin,making me notice I had taken flight to lala land without closing the windows all the way. I stretch my body, this way and that way...forward and backward..
"Everytime I see another breaking of the day I say thank you Lord "- worship chorus
I can breathe
I can see
I can hear
I can feel
I can move
I shuffle around and continue the rest of my morning rituals...
This is the day that the Lord has made...I, Tamie will rejoice and be glad in it.
Will you?
Nobody has the power to wake you up and start you on your day.. don't give them the power to spoil your mood /day. Choose to be joyful every morning.
Will you?
In ALL (not some) .... In ALL things give thanks!
(1st these 5:18)
Love and Light.
" No matter how loud or insistent an alarm clock is, even two, placed near the ears of a dead man...he wouldn't wake up "- Pastor Ugo
I can't tell the exact moment I closed my eyes to sleep ..just like every other night
I can't tell ..moment by moment.. what happens around me when I sleep
Some say, I sometimes make low grinding sounds with my teeth..( I choose not to believe that).
I've been told I don't snore...thank goodness!!
I know I am not conscious to the happenings around me.
"It's of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning :great is thy faithfulness" -Lamentations 3:22-23
" Thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night..." - Ps 91:5
My feet hits the cold tiles ,at the same time some cold harmattan breeze caresses my bare skin,making me notice I had taken flight to lala land without closing the windows all the way. I stretch my body, this way and that way...forward and backward..
"Everytime I see another breaking of the day I say thank you Lord "- worship chorus
I can breathe
I can see
I can hear
I can feel
I can move
I shuffle around and continue the rest of my morning rituals...
This is the day that the Lord has made...I, Tamie will rejoice and be glad in it.
Will you?
Nobody has the power to wake you up and start you on your day.. don't give them the power to spoil your mood /day. Choose to be joyful every morning.
Will you?
In ALL (not some) .... In ALL things give thanks!
(1st these 5:18)
Love and Light.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Happy new month shugars!!
It's December!!
Feel my excitement?
December always does that to me. No matter how far I've been from my goals for the year , or how crappy I feel the year might have been, something about sniffing the 'December air' takes me to a happy place.
A happy place.
A thankful place.
A thankful heart.
Counting my physical blessings.
And the non physical ones.
Oh Lord I can't explain it but I am so grateful to you!!
I saw the quote below on nikki's blog..
Forgive yourself. When you wake up late.When you procrastinate.When you fail yourself.When you fail others. When you can’t leave the house.When you’re late paying bills. When you don’t have a job. When you’re failing in school.When you’re not pleasing your parents.When you hurt yourself. When you hurt others.When you lie to yourself. When you lie to others. When you love the wrong person.When you make the same mistake.When you feel defeated. When you lose your temper.When the last time turns into a time again. When you cheat yourself. When you’re not good to yourself.When you don’t have a plan. When you feel hopeless. When you hate yourself. When you’re impatient. When you tell yourself to give up. When you stop believing in yourself. When you lose faith. When you doubt yourself. When you forget to say I love you. Forgive yourself. - unknown
And I fell in love with the words. I read it over again, silently then out loud,repeated the words slowly,digesting it. It just feels apt that I stumbled on it at this time of the year and at this point in my life.
I don't get excited about the end of the year because of the festivities, food, and the usual. Truth sef is ,I hardly do much food wise and 'gallivanting' wise this period.
I get excited cos like a bursting dam whose doors are suddenly open, I see again how the Lord has been good to me and mine. God's goodness just comes rushing at me .
And it's a time that leads to a fresh start. Each moment is a fresh start,YES.... but there is THE New Year.
Are you excited about the end of the year? Got festive plans? Do share ..
Happy new month again shugars..
Welcome to December ......My month of Thanksgiving!
I don't get excited about the end of the year because of the festivities, food, and the usual. Truth sef is ,I hardly do much food wise and 'gallivanting' wise this period.
I get excited cos like a bursting dam whose doors are suddenly open, I see again how the Lord has been good to me and mine. God's goodness just comes rushing at me .
And it's a time that leads to a fresh start. Each moment is a fresh start,YES.... but there is THE New Year.
Are you excited about the end of the year? Got festive plans? Do share ..
Happy new month again shugars..
Welcome to December ......My month of Thanksgiving!
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